Monday, August 6, 2012

- Had a dream about smuggling pot through an airport. Don't really know what that was about...
- More Olympics
- looked into gymless workouts. Sadly they all seem to involve push-ups. But I like the sound of this interval training thing.
- Had lunch with my dad at Whataburger.

- field hockey is basically just soccer with sticks, isn't it? I really don't see what people find exciting about soccer.
- I really wish NBC would just show the sports. I don't care about the human interest stories unless they're actually really exceptional, like Pistorius. Also, I'd much rather watch the sets in beach volleyball than watch people waiting for scores in gymnastics. I think whatever makes me really hate that is the same thing that makes me abhor Deal or No Deal. DEAR GOD NBC, THE OLYMPICS IS ABOUT SPORTS.
- I finally heard some of the story about why closing my mom's practice is causing so much stress. It sounds like it could be solved if someone just sat down with her and asked her why she's doing what she's doing and talked through how much pain it is causing everyone else. Of course, I don't have her side of things.