Monday, August 13, 2012

Didn't do anything today. Time to get creative and come up with actual things to do with the next four weeks. I'm talking big goals, to-do lists, the whole nine yards.

So, what can I do in 4 weeks that'll be awesome?

- finish that screenplay
- get in shape/start running
- Intime: - start making considerations for eBoard
              - update website
              - idiot-proof website
              - think of/start on community building stuff (as in, Intime is a theater community, but shouldn't we also be just a community, even when you aren't involved in a play or on board?)
                  - fitness thing as first idea
- meditate
- ?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

- Bike ride

What I could do with my life:
- startups
- professor and research
- go do artistic things
- technology/patent law
- start a movement for team handball in the US
- game development
- ???

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

- Caught up with a couple of friends from back home and also did Dave and Buster's. Said of the girls at my school, "they're smart."
- Olympics
- push-ups and squats
- Subway with avocado

- I'm in the process of trying to stay fit even though I now have less frequent gym time. My thought right now is to try and incorporate habits into my daily life that are triggered by events that happen often. So here's the initial plan: 10 pushups and 10 squats after every bathroom break, and a plank before meals. Attempting to watch Olympics in a grok squat.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

- More Olympics
- whatif-xkcd is the reason I like science
- Figured out my housing situation for next year. Reasonably sized and located room suddenly opened up, and I won the coin toss for it! Life's good.

Monday, August 6, 2012

- Had a dream about smuggling pot through an airport. Don't really know what that was about...
- More Olympics
- looked into gymless workouts. Sadly they all seem to involve push-ups. But I like the sound of this interval training thing.
- Had lunch with my dad at Whataburger.

- field hockey is basically just soccer with sticks, isn't it? I really don't see what people find exciting about soccer.
- I really wish NBC would just show the sports. I don't care about the human interest stories unless they're actually really exceptional, like Pistorius. Also, I'd much rather watch the sets in beach volleyball than watch people waiting for scores in gymnastics. I think whatever makes me really hate that is the same thing that makes me abhor Deal or No Deal. DEAR GOD NBC, THE OLYMPICS IS ABOUT SPORTS.
- I finally heard some of the story about why closing my mom's practice is causing so much stress. It sounds like it could be solved if someone just sat down with her and asked her why she's doing what she's doing and talked through how much pain it is causing everyone else. Of course, I don't have her side of things.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hi people coming here off of google image search, sorry I wasted your time. I agree with your decision to make such an image search, though. She's definitely attractive.

Things I did:
- made another blog...
- summer Olympics watching
- actually ate all three meals
- helped my brother with the University search
- listened to My Head Is an Animal by Of Monsters and Men with my brother
- mall shopping/people watching with my brother - a lot less on the people watching
- opened the windows in my room and decided that life is fucking beautiful

What I'm thinking:
- Is something wrong with me? I've been immediately judging women athletes by looks. Best looking female athletes so far: Marta Menegatti on the Italian women's volleyball team (on the right on the right) and one person on the Norwegian women's handball team that I've been unable to find on the internet. So, yeah.
- I think my brother is struggling with figuring out how he's going to narrow down colleges to a reasonable number to apply to (although, really, if he could apply himself to writing the essays and filling out the apps, the 9 he has on his list would be a reasonable number). He's got a safety and an ideal (Stanford) and hasn't figured out anything in between. I was kind of hoping he'd have a gut feeling about which schools sounded like a good fit for him (like I did back when I was going through this) but he seems not to, and has instead been focusing on things that are ultimately details, like the exact structure of their environmental engineering programs. He still has time, but I'm worried. I'm not sure how I can help at this point because I can't really tell him where he would fit.
- I think I got propositioned on a dating site. Too bad I'm very not attracted to them. That seems to be a trend in real life too. Girls 2-4 years younger than me seem to like me much more than girls my age do on average. I have a couple of theories about that. The first is that guys tend to become more attractive as they get older (at least up to a certain point) and girls get used to looking for older guys - maturity gap and whatnot. The second possibility is that I'm just much more relaxed and interesting around them because I'm not really treating them as a potential romantic interest. I'm much more likely to be laughing and treating the whole situation like it's nothing serious. Also, I probably give off a slight air of arrogance and confidence because I know that I've experienced more of life than they have, whereas when I'm talking to someone my age I tend to assume that they've led a more interesting life than I have.I wish I knew where that assumption came from. Maybe I just need to go live a more interesting and fulfilling life, and then when I reach a point where I don't care whether or not girls are interested in me, they suddenly will be. Sounds reasonable.
- I am so freaking happy to be home. I just can't describe how much of load off this is.

Plans for tomorrow:
- make sure to fill out this section in the future.